
History of Department of Consumer Affairs

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          In 1945, the Agriculture Project Team was formed to carry out the rice industry, with a series of reforms in line with the state’s economic policy. In 1947, it was renamed the State Agricultural Marketing Board. In 1963, it was renamed the Union of Burma Agricultural Marketing Board. In 1976, it was also renamed as Agricultural and Farm Products Trading Corporation (AFPTC). During the time of the State Law and Order Restoration Council, the rice trade was carried out on behalf of the state by the Agricultural and Farm Products Trading Corporation (AFPTC) until March 1989, and from April 1989 under the name of Myanmar Agricultural Products Trading.

          In accordance with the reformed economic policies of the Union Government; Foreign Trade Organizations; Research on trade promotion with local trade organizations; Myanmar Agricultural Products Trading was reorganized under the name of Trade Promotion Department to promote trade and marketing of the whole country by collecting, trade market information in each region.

          In addition to trade promotion activities, the 2015 Consumer Protection Act aims to effectively protect consumer rights. With the approval of the 2nd meeting of the Union Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar held on 15 January, Department of Trade Promotion and Consumer Affairs with 9 branches was formed in 14 regions/states.

          Then, to accelerate and effectively implement consumer protection activities in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law so that all citizens can use export and local products and services safely on April 1, 2015, the Department of Consumer Affairs was renamed and reorganized the following six division; 14 regions/states and in 57 districts.

  1. Administrative Division
  2. Accounting Division
  3. Policy Study and Project Statistics Division
  4. Information Technology and Quality Management Division
  5. Consumer Affairs Division
  6. Product Safety Division
  7. 14 Regions/ States and 57 Districts